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6 New Year’s Resolutions for a more Sustainable Business

Are you looking for ways to reduce your business’s environmental impact? Would you like to begin working towards net zero but don’t know where to start? Our net zero service makes decarbonisation and environmental compliance simple.

Here are 6 new year’s resolutions to help get you closer to your net zero goal:

1)     Assess climate-related risks and opportunities

Optimised can compile a report defining a list of climate-related risks and opportunities based on the recommendations published by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Our assessment is focused on desk-based research and stakeholder interviews, providing a detailed picture of the physical and transition risks and opportunities your company is facing. This analysis forms the foundation and drivers for your net zero strategy.

2)     Calculate your carbon footprint

The first step to calculating your corporate carbon footprint is understanding your organisational and operational boundaries.

Next, we determine which emission sources are material to your business. An emissions screening and materiality assessment highlights which emission categories should be included in your greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory based on relevance and available data.

We then provide a data collection request to gather the necessary activity data and calculate your corporate carbon footprint. Your emissions are presented in a GHG Protocol-aligned emissions inventory and separated into three scopes: scope 1, direct emissions from on-site combustion; scope 2, indirect emissions from purchased electricity, heating and cooling; and scope 3, other indirect emissions from your value chain.

We can also undertake life cycle analyses to calculate the carbon footprint of a specific product, or the embodied carbon of a particular construction or refurbishment project.

3)     Define and approve a net zero commitment

Together with a group of key stakeholders, we can define your level of ambition and decide on an ambitious yet feasible net zero commitment. Optimised will benchmark your ambition against industry competitors to ensure that your net zero pledge is industry-leading and in line with best practice. 

4)     Set emission reduction targets

Once we have the net zero date, we can formulate science-based decarbonisation targets in line with the Science Based Targets initiative. This involves defining a target boundary for scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, modelling short-, medium-, and long-term absolute and intensity targets in line with 1.5°C pathways, and defining a base year recalculation policy that articulates the basis for any recalculations. Finally, we prepare all the necessary documentation to submit for science-based target approval.

For land-intensive sectors, we can help set FLAG (Forest, Land and Agriculture) targets.

5)     Register and align with voluntary frameworks

With your corporate carbon footprint calculated and your targets set, we can support with voluntary reporting. There is a vast array of frameworks and standards to choose from, and we can assist your business in choosing those which are most relevant to your needs and industry, ensuring alignment with best practice.

This might involve reporting to SBTi, UKGBC, CDP, GRI, UKTPT or ISO.

Similarly, if your company needs support with mandatory reporting such as ESOS, SECR or TCFD, our team of experts is happy to help.

6)     Develop a net zero transition plan

The most important step in reducing your GHG emissions and achieving your net zero goal is ensuring that your business has a robust net zero transition plan in place.

Optimised can help prioritise decarbonisation efforts and capex to address the biggest carbon impacts in your value chain, hitting your carbon reduction targets and ensuring compliance with mandatory and voluntary frameworks.

We use data analysis to identify emission reduction opportunities including quantifications, costs, return on investment and risks. We consolidate this information into a bespoke Power BI dashboard where you can understand the impact of different initiatives and view your targets. From this, we can build a net zero pathway report containing your new zero and offsetting strategy.


We have developed a simple, 5-point net zero transition plan, to help businesses implement a credible, while cost-effective, net zero strategy.

What is net zero - Net Zero 5 Stage

Want to know more?

If you are interested in learning more about addressing your company’s emissions and working towards net zero, visit our Net Zero page and get in touch. 

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