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What is DSM? Demand Side Management Explained

Demand Side Management (DSM) refers to a series of actions specified to efficiently control a site’s energy consumption, in order to cut costs incurred for electrical energy supply, including grid charges, general system charges, as well as taxes.

How is this done?

To engage in Demand Side Management, an in-depth analysis of onsite consumption must be carried out; this clarifies the mannerisms of each individual site to determine whether consumption trends can be optimised without incorporating additional hardware.

If a change habit is deemed unfeasible or insufficient for desired cost reductions, on-site installation of the following can be reviewed:

  • BESS (battery energy storage systems)
  • Renewable source systems
  • Cogeneration tools
  • How is this done?

Once this is complete, it may be deemed necessary to install a Building energy Management System (BeMS).

The Optimised DSM Proposition

Our Demand Side Management (DSM) solution minimises electricity supply pass through charges such as TNUoS (Transmission Network Use of System) - also more commonly known as Triad charges and DUoS (Distribution Use of System) or Red Zone charges, if managed effectively these can reduce your annual energy spend between 10-15% with minimal capital outlay.
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