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Optimised Minds with Basil Saboba

Meet Basil Saboba

Senior Energy Data Analyst

What's your role and responsibilities at Optimised?

The role is that of a Senior Energy Data Analyst, so my essential responsibilities include:

  • Providing analysis of clients' energy data, ensuring energy works are focused and targeted
  • Evaluating project performances for internal and external reporting
  • Driving development of new and innovative analytical techniques and models, aM&T systems, and other software alike

What does a typical day look like for you?

Screens full of data, excel sheets, pivot tables, dashboards, and aM&T interfaces. Oh, and lots of coffee!

What do you like most about the work that you do?

Excel (no joke!). Even better however might be using that data and visualising it in a cool way, whether it be through dashboards or charts/pivots, etc.

What do you do to be sustainable in the workplace?

  • Drive a Hybrid vehicle to work.
  • Opt to work from home 1-2 days a week.
  • Shut off devices when not in use (when on break or in a meeting away from my desk).
  • I will also endeavour to bring in a plant or 2!

If you could learn one new professional skill, what would it be?

Learn Python better - it's the go to programming language for data science and analysis. Especially its automation capabilities and functionality. Learning and applying it would lead to a better and more efficient (Optimised) workflow.

What is your personal mantra?

  • Do right and good in silence
  • Be you. Be weird.

What motivates you at work?

The savings found and created, leading to reduced energy consumption and more importantly, lower CO2 emissions. Just knowing I've had a hand in that dent being made to save and protect the environment is enough to warrant the work.

Do you speak more than one language?

I actually speak 2 more languages, Tagalog (local language of The Philippines) and Arabic.

What moment are you the proudest of?

I would say that I'm proudest of all (most...) of my works/achievements really. Whether it be as big as getting my degrees or down to creating an innovative and useful spreadsheet tool, model or dashboard, or even just writing up a good report. It is hard for me to put a finger on one and say "That is my achievement. That's my proudest moment."

Who is your hero?

Anyone who is capable of surviving hardships and still be able to love, trust and keep faith, is a hero to me. Those people who try and don't give up. Even through the bad and down days. People like that and also the people supporting those people.

Interested in a career with Optimised?

We're always looking for top analysts, engineers and technologists with a passion for problem solving, innovation and hard work in service of our clients & the environment. Take a look at our current vacancies!

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Fill in your details below to arrange a complimentary consultation with one of our experts. They will give you bespoke advice to help your business achieve all its energy needs, reducing cost, consumption and carbon.

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